
2023-2024 Attendance

School Day: 7:30 am - 2:15pm

  • Students must attend school every day from 7:15am-2:15pm.
  • Late passes are distributed by Ms.Rice. Be on time to avoid late passes!
  • Late students must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
  • Maryland State Compulsory Attendance Law (COMAR 7-301) requires children between the ages of 5 and 18 to attend school regularly during the entire school year at a rate of 94%
  • Absent? Bring a note upon return to school & turn in to Ms.Rice or 1A/1B teachers. Students have 5 days to submit absent notes
  • Early Dismissal? The front office and Ms.Rice records early dismissal times. Students must check out at the front office for all early dismissal. Give early dismissal notes to 1st period teachers