
Athletic Eligibility 

BCPS Rule 6702 details requirements that student athletes must fulfill in order to be eligible for participation in school-based athletics programs 

High School Eligibility Rules:
~ Must Maintain a 2.0 GPA (C's or Higher)
~ No more than ONE failing grade (E) in the prior quarter. Fall eligibility is determined from quarter 4 of the prior school year (Incoming 9th grade students are excused from this fall eligibility requirement) 

Click here for further Rule 6702 Documentation

Section I.1
Students are academically ineligible if they have less than a 2.0
 grade point average (GPA) with no more than one failing, incomplete, or medical grade in the preceding quarter. 
    (1) A grade of Fail in a Pass/Fail class is considered a failing grade and will affect eligibility and GPA. 
    (2) Fall academic eligibility is determined by the fourth quarter grading period from the preceding year. This provision does not apply to incoming ninth grade students for initial fall eligibility.